When I was eight years old, I fell from a tree and hit my head on a curb. Concerned neighbors called a doctor who lived in the area. He diagnosed a severe concussion and said that an operation would be necessary if there was not marked improvement in my condition by morning. After the doctor had left, my mother called a Christian Science practitioner, who came to our home and spent the night in prayer.
In the morning the doctor returned and found me sitting up in bed eating breakfast. He offered no medical treatment, nor did he visit us again. Full recovery came. I was not permitted to return to school until all evidence of injury, including cross-eye, had been healed through Christian Science treatment. This healing left a deep impression on me and gave me confidence to rely completely on Science for healing in the many years that have followed.
I am grateful to God for His love and care, and for Mrs. Eddy's clear explanation of man's spiritual relationship to God. As a lifelong Scientist, I have constantly tried to live up to my highest concept of these wonderful truths and have had many outstanding healings.