Sometimes a gardener using a hoe or sickle can get rid of a whole patch of weeds with a few strokes. Other times he may need to get down on his knees and pull out weeds one by one to save the tender plants.
Perhaps this illustrates a point that's useful for anyone who would practice the scientific healing prayer made possible by Christian Science. There are times when our inspired realization of Truth's omnipotence—and of man's perfection as God's image—is so pure that healing comes quickly, even immediately. Yet there are also times when, figuratively speaking, we need to get down on our knees—in humble, earnest prayer—to identify the "weeds" of wrong thinking and root them out specifically by correcting them with Truth.
Either way, our prayer must be sufficiently thorough to replace the specific mortal beliefs expressed in the trouble with the health-giving truths of man's spiritual being. The truths we know must be so palpable, so distinct and concrete, so real to us (as they already are real in Truth) that they change human consciousness and evidence.