Lethargy may be one byproduct of our new electronic era. Who can keep up with the speed of light? Beginning-middle-end thought processes seem archaic when swamped by computer simultaneity.
A man's or a woman's work used to be the mirror of his or her dignity and a proof of the individual's value. Today our work capacity seems minuscule compared with electronic capacity. How can people keep up with technology that outdistances, overpowers, outremembers, and outthinks them? Throughout the industrialized world, individual productivity lags.
But instantaneousness is natural in the realm of Spirit, of which man is the rightful and primary citizen. Electricity, with the physically instantaneous world it creates, on the other hand, is a material counterfeit of God's spiritual reality. "Electricity is the sharp surplus of materiality which counterfeits the true essence of spirituality or truth,—the great difference being that electricity is not intelligent, while spiritual truth is Mind," Science and Health, p. 293. writes Mrs. Eddy.