Mrs. Eddy envisioned tremendous potential for healing and spiritual enlightenment when she established The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Branch churches and individual members are indispensable in helping lecturers carry out the far-reaching mission ordained for them.
In a message to the Board of Lectureship, Mrs. Eddy writes: "The Christ mode of understanding Life—of exterminating sin and suffering and their penalty, death—I have largely committed to you, my faithful witnesses. You go forth to face the foe with loving look and with the religion and philosophy of labor, duty, liberty, and love, to challenge universal indifference, chance, and creeds." The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 248. We can all strive to be such witnesses by watching for opportunities every day to witness to the efficacy of the Christ Science in "exterminating sin and suffering." We can "challenge universal indifference" by first detecting and eliminating in our own thought any indifference to the needs of loved ones, friends, community, nations—by loving mankind enough to search out fresh insights as to how the ever-active Christ meets these needs.
Motivated by unselfed love, we'll know when and how to present Christian Science to those who long for it; and if Science is exciting and vital to us, we'll be eager to do so. Moreover, our witnessing will certainly attract those who are ready for the lecture's message.