Have you ever felt stuck trying to understand your real self as spiritual man, a concept central to healing in Christian Science? (It's astonishing how the thought of God as an old man in the sky may have long since given way to more spiritual concepts, while the idea that we are actually spiritual may often seem unreachable.)
It can be deeply comforting to get back to Genesis 1 in the Bible. This chapter provides guidance for finding ourselves to be spiritual. It's especially helpful if we read it as an account of how the spiritual concept dawns in consciousness.
"In the beginning God . . ." Gen. 1:1. is the phrase that launches the whole Bible. We learn in Christian Science that God is Mind, the source of all being. The only knowing going on is in Mind, infinitely reflected in man and the universe. The only real or valid thoughts coming to us proceed from Mind in the form of good. Everything else is false mental suggestion, which would pass itself off as our thought or as us.