One Christmas Eve I stopped in to say hello to a dear friend. I only intended to stay a few minutes. However, that's not how things turned out. I remember thinking, while there, about Christ Jesus being crucified, and then I wept. A woman who was present, with whom I had been talking for a long time about the Bible, asked me, "Why are you crying?" I replied that every year at Christmas the same thing happened to me, because I couldn't understand how people could have crucified a man as pure and perfect as Christ Jesus. Then she smiled warmly and said, "Don't cry. For almost two thousand years Christ Jesus has been in glory."
This was the first time I had heard of Christ Jesus being glorified, and this thought brought me ineffable joy. Later that same day I was invited to a testimony meeting at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist (it happened to be a Wednesday). How I enjoyed the atmosphere of harmony, order, love, and the beauty that was there! The faces of those who were present glowed with peace and joy. And what marvelous testimonies I heard! I was immensely happy and knew that I had found the truth—the way that would lead me to be better and to know finally that God is Love.
The next day I visited a Christian Science Reading Room, where I was lovingly waited on. I bought a copy of the textbook—Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy—and began to read it. How marvelously the Bible was explained, and what very pure thoughts were expressed in this book! Soon it became my constant companion. I read it day and night. Shortly I came to be in touch with a Christian Science practitioner. It seemed to me that all God's love was revealed in the broad and uplifted understanding this woman demonstrated. She bound up the wounds of my heart through the tenderness she expressed. What joy I felt when at last I was able to perceive something of the immortality of Life, and that we are immortal because God is immortal—His children reflecting Him, manifesting His qualities.