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Daily prayer– important work

From the February 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus' promise is: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 1 What could be better than being in harmony with Truth; with God and His government of the universe?

In my role as military chaplain, I often find myself whizzing down icy, snowy German roads in a small car next to a very young German driver. There are times when I am sorely tempted to rely for security and comfort on my superior rank and my very best German: "Langsam, bitte!" Usually I don't. I'm content instead to turn to God in prayer. Not to plead, "Oh, please, Lord!" No, usually any sense of fear is dispelled by praying. I pray a prayer of affirmation. I find peace in knowing that the same source of wisdom and intelligence—the Mind that governs me—governs my young friend behind the wheel as well.

Prayer brings me out of a limited sense into harmony with Truth, into harmony with the divine facts, which are the law governing my being. Then I can rest assured in the understanding that all God's ideas are held perfect and complete in divine Mind's care. Consequently, in reality we are traveling, not from point A to point B on treacherous roads, but moving from Love through Love and to Love; never leaving our at-one-ment with our Father-Mother God.

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