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Testimonies of Healing

Twenty some years ago I was warned...

From the July 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Twenty some years ago I was warned by neighbors that a "Christian Science woman" was moving in right next door, and that I should avoid getting friendly with her because of her religion. I was told that Christian Scientists were radicals, who believed God would come down from heaven and heal people. The part about healing especially disturbed me, for I had never been taught that God heals.

This warning proved to be groundless. The longer I knew our neighbor, the more I realized that her being a Christian Scientist didn't hinder me in any way. Rather, she encouraged me in so many aspects of my role as a wife and mother of six. I would frequently ask her advice on how to handle different problems, and she would always draw on her understanding of God. I once said to her, "Is that all you know to talk about—God?" She replied, "That's all I want to know." Our association continued. She was so honest with me, and I felt from her an outpouring of love that I had not felt from anyone else up to that time. She was indeed a good person. In looking back, I realize that I was not attracted to her personally but to the Christ, Truth, which she expressed.

I recall that on one particular occasion I was swearing at my children in the backyard. This neighbor came out and said, "Please don't talk to those children like that. They're not your children, they're God's." I responded, "If so, why doesn't He come down and take care of them!" Then I went into the house and slammed the door. Soon I heard her knock. I opened the door and she said, "I love you," in the most tender manner. I replied, "Please don't interfere with my life. If I desire to swear at my children, I will!" And I slammed the door in her face. A few minutes later she rang the bell again. I didn't give her a chance to say a word. I asked, "Do you realize I just slammed the door in your face? I insulted you. What is wrong with you?"

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