Christian Science Mind-healing rests on the great truth that God's allness precludes the existence of matter. Mrs. Eddy declares: "Spirit is infinite; therefore Spirit is all. 'There is no matter' is not only the axiom of true Christian Science, but it is the only basis upon which this Science can be demonstrated."
1 This revolutionary discovery of the unreality of matter came to Mrs. Eddy through divine revelation and was conclusively proved in her own healing practice before she presented it to the world.
This axiom must be wholeheartedly accepted by all who would practice genuine Christian Science. Our success as healers largely depends upon our ability to perceive the insubstantial, illusory, mental nature of matter. In the proportion that we grasp this fundamental fact, we are able to destroy the foundation of disease.
Throughout her writings our Leader has given us a number of illuminating definitions of matter that aid us in comprehending the nothingness of matter. The first word Mrs. Eddy uses in her definition of "matter" in the Glossary of Science and Health is "mythology." The definition begins: "Matter Mythology; mortality; another name for mortal mind; illusion; intelligence, substance, and life in non-intelligence and mortality ...." 2