There have been many occasions in my life, especially when a problem continued over a period of time, to prove the truth of this statement in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 66): "Trials are proofs of God's care." On those occasions it was always helpful to remember this from the textbook (pp. 598-599): "Time is a mortal thought, the divisor of which is the solar year. Eternity is God's measurement of Soul- filled years." From this I came to see that time, as a mortal concept, had no more reality than the difficulty.
A healing I had of impaired eyesight is a specific example of this. For years I wore bifocals. About seven years ago my husband retired and we moved. Soon after, I made an appointment with a local specialist to have my eyes examined to see if new glasses were needed. Following his examination the doctor explained that there was a serious deterioration of my eyes going on and that unless treated immediately, it would result in blindness. He then gave me a prescription for drops to be used three times a day and asked me to return in three days.
My guard was down, as my study of Science was not very deep or consistent at that time. So, feeling alarmed, I had the prescription filled and used the drops for one day. Then I saw my mistake and reached out to God in prayer. I realized it was impossible that sight, a function of divine Mind, could be dependent on either a material organ or medication. I got rid of the eye drops.