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Testimonies of Healing

What a priceless gift is bestowed on children...

From the March 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What a priceless gift is bestowed on children by parents who use the truths of the Bible as explained in Christian Science in raising their families! Such was my own experience, and I have been blessed by many healings over the years.

What I consider a very significant healing happened about three years ago. I was crossing the street in the crosswalk with the green light. All of a sudden a fast-moving car entered the intersection and made an illegal left turn, knocking me down with great force. I am so grateful that I felt no fear, just surprise. I was unable to get up on my feet, however.

Genesis 1:31, which always seems such a solid starting point in working out any problem, came to my thought: "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."

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