In the creation allegory of Genesis, movement precedes speech: "The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light...." Gen. 1:2, 3. In Mark we read, "Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand...and thou clean." Mark 1:41. Saul took the name of Paul when he became the exponent of Christianity. Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, healed and then enunciated Christian Science.
In Christian Science, action not only speaks louder than words; it precedes words. True communication does not come from a finite, private mind, making statements about the Science of being. Genuine communication is the effect of Christ's moving upon the waters of unformed thought. It is the action of Logos, or the Word, which from "the beginning" both creates and reveals.
What a joy to recognize that all through association day the Christ-spirit is bringing to light more of God's perfect creation and revealing it in tangible forms. Since these forms supersede and replace the deformed images of mortal thought, it is no wonder that many find the meeting a time of healing for themselves. And much more.