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and items of note this month

From the April 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whether at a shopping mall, on a college campus, or in the foyer of a church, a bulletin board is a great place for people to share information. You can learn a lot about an active community from reading local bulletin boards. We hope you'll enjoy this bulletin board and feel encouraged to join in and share experiences.

A portion of a letter from a church in the United States: While shortwave radio programs may have seemed like a remote activity of The Mother Church to some of us, it has been brought much closer to us through a new visitor to our church.

A graduate student from a nearby university has been coming regularly to our Sunday and Wednesday services for the past few months. At his first Wednesday evening meeting he stood up to introduce himself and told about listening in Turkey to The Mother Church's shortwave broadcasts. He told how he would tape a program and play it over. Now he would like to learn how to study the Bible Lessons in the Christian Science Quarterly.

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