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Church that warrants the name "Christian"

Spiritual pioneering around the world (part one)

From the April 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the pioneer, there's no looking back. At least, not for long! It's a luxury he can't afford; it blurs the inner vision, undermines resolve, shortens the stride.

Paul, Peter, Timothy, John—those early builders were pioneers. They showed us the kind of church that warrants the name "Christian." And they did all this within a culture that was actively opposed to their spiritual efforts, to what God was impelling them to do.

Those today who are devoted to church that heals—that has unmistakable effect and precise relevance to the human condition—soon find that the pioneering days are far from over! In fact, Christian living and pioneering are inseparable. The stamina that leans on God and outlasts the storm, the vigilance, the humility and awe in the face of divine Mind's vast vistas—the yearning to dwell there and call it home, not just pass through as an occasional sightseer—these are the pioneering strengths that build and establish churches that bless and heal.

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