Having grown up attending a Christian Science Sunday School, I naturally turned to prayer for healing in all aspects of my life. When I left my native Argentina to come to the United States to attend college, I joined The Mother Church and had Christian Science class instruction. Some years later I married, and we had two children. Although my husband was not a Christian Scientist, both children attended a Christian Science Sunday School while they were growing up and had many healings.
Some years into our marriage, I struggled with a serious physical problem. I called a Christian Science practitioner for help, but when the condition worsened, I was taken to a hospital for medical treatment at the insistence of my husband. I eventually recovered. But when I returned home I felt very confused about all that had happened. Later I resigned my membership in a branch church, and I ended up leaving Christian Science—for about eighteen years.
In the meantime my husband and I divorced. I returned to college for graduate work then and, subsequently, remarried. My second husband was a loving, kind, understanding person who gave me total freedom to live my life as I chose. When I was faced with a severe bowel problem years later, I decided to return to Christian Science.