The Bible promises, "with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37). Most of my life I have been a practicing Christian Scientist. Some of the healings I've had have been instantaneous. Others have come about after much study and inspiration. There is one particular healing in the latter category for which I am most grateful.
I was a golfer, and for some time had taken lessons to achieve greater distance with my swing. The last instructor really helped me wind up and hit that long ball, and it was a great feeling. One day I noticed my back was hurting. This didn't stop me, and I continued to hit the golf ball with increased force in order to gain greater distance. Finally the pain was so severe that playing golf was impossible.
At this point I began to pray in earnest and asked a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me as well. Daily we endeavored to see my present, perfect being, realizing that if God is All, evil and pain are nothing. Many nights I would walk the floor with Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy in my hand, reading out loud in an effort to talk above the pain.