As Christian Scientists advance in the practice of their religion and so receive increasing benefits from it, they naturally want to reach out and share these blessings. A very satisfying and joyous way to do this is to enter the full-time public practice of Christian Science.
But while our hearts may yearn to do this, sometimes our "heads" may doubt the feasibility of such a step. In other words, we may be quietly cherishing this as something we'd like to do, but at the same time wondering if we would have enough consecration or understanding, if our own or our family's needs would be met, or if God really is calling us to do this work.
Some years ago, a relatively new student of Christian Science began setting aside at least several hours a week to pray for the world. He would read through a newspaper, often The Christian Science Monitor, or a newsmagazine, praying about what each article described. After doing this for two years, he set aside first two and then, some time later, three evenings a week to pray for himself, the world, and others when they asked him to do so.