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Compassion, spiritualization of thought, and trust in God

From the January 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At the back of this magazine, a directory lists names of individuals engaged in the public healing ministry of Christian Science. While any sincere student of this Science may practice spiritual healing, individuals advertising in The Christian Science Journal are those who are engaged in no other vocation, have an established record of healing, and have met the standards required for listing. We thought it might be helpful to Journal readers, and especially to those who are considering fuller engagement in Christian Science healing, to hear some of these practitioners describe how they got started in the full-time practice. Obviously, their experiences are individual; there couldn't be a specific formula for entering a holy ministry! Our hope is that this series may encourage others to see how the way to a public practice of Christian healing opens up when there is a pure desire to serve God and one's fellowman.

Getting started in the public practice

Looking back at my steps into the public practice of Christian Science, I think the first one was the simple desire to help others. We all have that desire. We can't help loving, because we are the reflection of divine Love. When I was thirteen, I volunteered at a day-care center for the children of migrant workers. I felt compassion for people who apparently had so much less than I did, and I hoped to make things better for them. For several years, I was always involved in social work of some kind. While I loved this work, I was often frustrated, sad, and even angry at how little I was able to accomplish in improving people's lives in any lasting way.

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