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Holiness, healing, and salvation

From the January 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How many of us equate holiness of thought with wholeness of body? Do we think of ourselves as complete, whole, and holy? Often the media stress anything but the pure, wholesome elements of existence. This trend is unfortunately more harmful to society than is generally realized.

Holiness is a pure, unworldly quality of thought, the importance of which is emphasized throughout the Bible. Living in conformity with inspired Scriptural teachings is known to have transformed and redeemed the lives of men and women in ancient times, and it continues to do so today.

Christ Jesus exemplified an undeniable standard of Christian behavior. He was a man of undisputed purity. And through his teachings and healing works he brought to light the native purity and perfection of each individual as God's spiritual likeness. But he also showed that the destruction of both sin and disease is mandatory for us all. In other words, we need, step by step, to prove the truth of man's God-given perfection. Nothing short of a full salvation is ours to claim and demonstrate. To follow his example, we must consciously identify with godliness as he did. Doing so will help to protect us from unconsciously agreeing with or tending toward lowered moral standards and conduct, and save us from the bondage that sin would impose and imprint upon mankind.

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