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Testimonies of Healing

My parents had known of...

From the January 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My parents had known of Christian Science for years, and thought it beautiful but impractical. I was about ten when an ear infection became worse and spread to my eye. Mother and Dad then decided to try Christian Science, and I was taken to a practitioner, who explained to me that only God's creation, including spiritual man, was real —that God created man in His image and likeness. It seemed natural and right to me. The practitioner showed me that the first chapter of Genesis gives the truth about creation. The practitioner prayed for me, and I was quickly healed. As a result, our family began attending a Christian Science church.

Later what I had learned in the Christian Science Sunday School, and in my contact with a Christian Science college organization, brought me strength and help when I was strongly tempted to commit suicide. This temptation was very persistent. But I was enabled finally to stop giving audience to it by listening for thoughts from God. I remembered spiritual truths learned in Sunday School, such as the fact that death, which might appear as a friend, is actually the opposite of God, divine Life, and is not a power. Death is an enemy. I reasoned that if I were to commit suicide, this really wouldn't solve any problems; I could not really die, and I would still have to deal with them.

There was also the evil suggestion coming to me that suicide was a loving act to do for my family. God's angel message that suicide would not help my family, and that it was actually a very selfish thing, put this suggestion to silence. I prayed to know that only good was real. Turning away from evil, and loving God and God's creation, became paramount for me.

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