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Testimonies of Healing

I found myself feeling uncertain...

From the October 1998 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I found myself feeling uncertain and stymied in my employment, and I would like to relate with much gratitude how the teachings of Christian Science helped me to find a fully satisfying employment situation.

Some years ago, I felt that I had advanced as far as I could in the work I was then doing as part of a large corporation. It seemed to me that transfer to a certain other staff organization would offer interesting challenges plus the opportunity for greater advancement. Appropriate applications for the transfer were made. Weeks, then months, went by with no word. I began to wonder: Had I been hasty in pushing what I thought was a humanly wise agenda rather than trusting God, the all-knowing, divine Mind, to direct me? I resolved that my prayer would be to thank God for His ever-present guidance; to be alert to listen for His messages; and to accept His plan, whatever it might be, on the question of my future employment.

I studied the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly each morning, and this was a great aid to me in praying and in keeping my thoughts God-centered. One revealing passage from Science and Health stayed with me much of the time: "Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way" (p. 454). This assured me that not only is God, divine Love, with me at each step of any experience, but that He is also in front of me —preparing a place for me. Uneasiness about the passage of time was further reduced as I studied the Bible statement "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (II Pet. 3:8). I saw that while I might wish to have changes made at once, or in accord with my personal calendar, time is not a factor in God's calendar, which involves the unfolding of limitless good for all His creation.

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