"What is truth?" Pilate put this question to Christ Jesus before Jesus' crucifixion. John 18:38 Many others are still asking this today, And I asked it myself a number of years ago—not in those exact words, but with the same meaning. I had strayed away from church when I was in my late teens, but I found myself coming back nearly ten years later as a young adult, because I had not found satisfaction and meaning in my different worldly pursuits. But I was faced with the same questions that had plagued me before leaving: why was there sickness, tragedy, hatred in the world, and most of all, why was God not doing anything about it?
I joined a church of a different denomination and was part of a Bible study group, and I was enjoying reading my Bible and attending church services and Sunday school. Then I began having some economic difficulties and started to search again. Finally, I turned to God with a deep, heartfelt desire to know Him, and I asked God to show me who He was and to give me the answers to those important questions.
One particular day I was in deep despair. At lunchtime as I went to get something to eat, I walked by a favorite restaurant and then across the street to another. I really didn't have an appetite for food, but I decided to walk back to the first restaurant. I went up the stairs, opened the door, and before my eyes was a room full of books on shelves and a woman standing nearby.