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Letters & Conversations


From the October 1998 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For years I have been truly grateful for the enriching, redirecting, and uplifting articles and poems that have come to me monthly in The Christian Science Journal. It seems to me that their directness has become increasingly evident in recent years. ... I was elated to see your two articles on the heritage and freedom of womanhood in your March issue. More of this, it seems to me, is highly appropriate in the Church's mission today.

I have just renewed my subscription to the Journal for the thirtieth year. It speaks directly to me. My most precious moments are found in contemplation of its articles. Sometimes they bring me quiet gratitude as I learn the truths expressed, and other times they bring a sense of jubilation in the unfolding of an idea clearly stated. I don't know what you plan for future Journals. How can you improve on something that is now so beautiful? But I know you will find a way!

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