We all need to make decisions. And when we do, it is important to yield to God, divine Mind, who is forever supplying the good and the guidance that enable us to decide rightly. This yielding is a surrendering of human will to the divine and the following of God's direction. It unfolds more of our divinely bestowed spiritual nature and our perfect place in God's eternal plan.
Christ Jesus' experience in the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest and trial exemplified the great victories that can be achieved over the false claim that there can be intelligence, power, or will opposed to God. Part of the metaphysical interpretation of Gethsemane found in the Glossary of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy is "the human yielding to the divine." Science and Health, p. 586. Science and Health states, referring to the Master's final struggle, "Jesus could have withdrawn himself from his enemies." Ibid., p. 51. As we know, he did not withdraw himself. Instead, he yielded to the divine will, which led him beyond the ordeal of the cross to the glory of his resurrection and ascension.
Instances of prayerful yielding to God are recorded throughout the Bible. Moses humbly obeyed God's command to lead the Israelites. Among others, Joseph, Elijah, and Paul also yielded when it would have been materially more comfortable or convenient for them not to do so.