As spiritual ideas of God, you and I are always fresh, new, and full of promise. Nothing can ever take our newness away. This is the good news Christ is telling us continuously. Science and Health explains, "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." Science and Health, p. 332. Our job is to listen to this message.
Through hard experience, I've learned that spiritual listening is what's needed. That is, listening with spiritual, instead of material, sense. Doing this both requires and empowers us to resist whatever keeps us from hearing God's message—things like the pull of materiality or the temptation to criticize others. We can also reject the feeling that we are too busy to listen to God, too ignorant to understand His truth, too self-centered to grow spiritually, too old or set in our ways to try new things. The spiritual fact is that we are now, and always will be, God's children, and naturally receive and live God's love.
I'm finding that the more I listen to God, the less I'm willing to listen to anything contrary to Him. And the more I like what I hear from God, the more I want to hear. Some inspiration you or I might get might seem quite radical at first, as Jesus' command to some of his disciples to cast their net for more fish must have, even though all night they'd caught nothing. See Luke 5:1–10. Yet as I welcome these messages from God, I find fresh ideas coming to me all the time.