Many years ago I was asked to write an article about Christmas for translation into Japanese for the article on Christian Science in The Christian Science Monitor. But this was August, and there was no snow where I live. Then, as Tom Black brings out in his article ("The real meaning of Christmas," p. 18), I began to realize that Christmas isn't about snow or a date on the calendar. It's about a gift that God gives to everyone—the message of Christ that lifts hearts, heals bodies, and gives hope to the world.
One hope everyone longs to see fulfilled is a permanent and lasting peace. Visit Frontlines for some profound spiritual thinking on the subject. In this section you'll find the text of speeches given by Church representatives at the October Global Peace Initiative sponsored by the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you're interested in Christian healing, don't miss "A proven Science you can depend on." And "Help with depression" offers some dynamic insights into overcoming this illness.