Pinocchio is a popular children's story about a wooden puppet who wants more than anything to be a real boy. Not knowing any better, Pinocchio befriends a mischievous boy, and they get into a lot of trouble. The other characters in the story soon get tired of Pinocchio's behavior and refuse to help him. But not the Blue Fairy. She knows that, deep down, Pinocchio is a good puppet—he's just been misled and needs to be shown the right way.
For as long as I can remember, I'd dreamed of acting in a theatre company that toured schools. A few years ago my dream came true. I landed the role of the Blue Fairy in that play, which would tour throughout my country, Australia. It was my first professional acting job—and with a professional director to boot. My only desire was to express Love—another name I'd learned for God—and I already knew I loved to act.
As I read the script, wondering how to interpret the character, it seemed to me she was extremely loving, forgiving, full of beauty and grace. But since I knew God had paved the way for me to get this job, I asked God how to do it. The answer that came to me was that I could think of the Blue Fairy's love as representing the love God has for all His children—unconditional, dependable, and always there, no matter what. That provided a wonderful purpose to my performance.