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Letters & Conversations


From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I'm currently training to be a volunteer hospital chaplain, and I recently shared the November issue of the Journal, which focuses on prayer, with the staff at the chaplain's office where I work. Last Tuesday we were treated to a special luncheon to honor hospital and hospice chaplains, which was attended by the president and CEO of one of the area hospitals, as well as clergy from the metro-west churches [in the Boston area]. To my surprise, copies of an article from the Journal were distributed to the attendees, along with copies of "Spirituality in Hospitals" from The periodicals are proving to be relevant to people of all faiths.

The Journal is truly splendid in its spirit of acknowledging and cherishing all faiths in the all-embracing love of the one Source of all. The world is in great need of the fall of all barriers that prohibit various faiths to cohabit and collaborate peacefully for the good of all mankind. Any justification of walls of separation that would keep one ghettoized in the rut of "I don't care to know about any other faith of my fellowman" should be inconceivable to any Christian.

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