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Testimonies of Healing

Injured hand healed

From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was scheduled to serve lunch at my younger son's school. This is a monthly activity in which parents volunteer to help serve the three-, four-, and five-year-olds. That morning, I'd been annoyed with my husband about something and was running late. I threw my things into the car and slammed the door shut. Somehow, I slammed the door on my left hand.

The pain was intense, and my first instinct was to get some ice to put on my hand. I decided to pray instead because I had been really striving to understand more about myself as spiritual, and, in the long run, that included knowing that, spiritually speaking, I was immune to accidents.

I had just read an article in the Christian Science Sentinel about a guy who had broken his foot while he was on a hike. I had been impressed by his absolute reliance on God and by the fact that he was healed.

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