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Testimonies of Healing

Identity: Lost and found

From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Boy, what a fix! There we were at the airport, ready to check our luggage and board the plane, and my driver's license was nowhere to be found. As usual, security guards and sky police were everywhere, but no one could help me. I had to be on that plane, so I did what I always do when it seems like there is no help at hand: I turned to God and prayed.

The meeting from which I was returning was centered on the opening of the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity. I began thinking back over the ideas I'd heard at the conference, conversations I'd had the past week with others like me who were on a spiritual quest for answers. We were all readers of Mary Baker Eddy's primary work on practical, provable spirituality, Science and Health. This book is full of ideas about our true identity as the reflection of God.

That's when it struck me: if God knows me as His reflection, how could I ever lose my true identity? I may have lost my driver's license—the material evidence of my identity—but I could never lose the immortal evidence of myself as God's child. In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy calls identity "the reflection of Spirit, the reflection in multifarious forms of the living Principle, Love" (p. 477). This, I knew, was my true and only identity, and it could never be lost.

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