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Testimonies of Healing

Prayer heals eyesight—permanently

From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My contact lenses had become a nuisance. I was spending a lot of time in the water at an outdoor summer camp I was attending on Lake Michigan. And I was constantly either forgetting to bring my contact lens case down to the lake or misplacing it. At night I usually didn't have time to properly clean the lenses.

The real issue, though, wasn't the inconvenience of wearing contact lenses. Since the age of five, I'd had to wear thick glasses or contacts to correct a condition diagnosed as amblyopia.

I had often been healed of various illnesses and other difficulties through prayer, and over the years my parents and I had prayed about my vision. We had also periodically requested the prayers of a spiritual healer—a Christian Science practitioner. But for some reason I just accepted this vision problem as part of me and never truly believed that my eyesight would get any better.

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