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Do creams + lotions = real beauty?

From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My husband and I are grandparents who don't buy the rocking-chair concept of aging. There is a spirit in our generation that just refuses to "grow old" gracefully—a spirit that resists the idea of aging.

Most of us would agree that the desire to be beautiful is legitimate, and that resisting the limits of age is right. But some of the methods designed to reach this goal aren't really all that effective. Creams, diets, exercise, injections, liposuction, plastic surgery, make numerous promises, but they can't always deliver, and the results aren't always permanent. In addition, they can be painful and expensive and at times do more damage than good.

Almost all of these methods focus on the material body as though it is something that can be sculpted into beauty if it is just tweaked enough. But the old adage that beauty is more than skin deep is true, and age will never be able to destroy true beauty.

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