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Testimonies of Healing

Complications in childbirth resolved through prayer

From the July 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was pregnant with my second child, I prayed to overcome fears of having to undergo another delivery by Caesarean section. I chose a doctor who at first encouraged me to expect a natural birth. But as the due date neared, he began to discuss some very rare but possibly "catastrophic" complications involved in having a natural birth after one has had a Caesarean. I still hoped for a natural delivery, but now had to address fears about these possible problems, as well.

I prayed to understand that, as a wholly spiritual idea, I was governed entirely by God, and that God's will for His creation could include only goodness and harmony. In my prayers, I placed myself under the jurisdiction of God alone, and began to see that because medical theories did not come from Him, they had no power over my experience. I also reasoned that, as a spiritual idea made in God's image, I could have no material history that might affect His plan for this baby and me. I grew confident that I could expect this birth to be entirely good and natural and safe.

Within a week of the due date, the doctor expressed concern that the baby was still positioned very high in my abdomen. He was skeptical about whether the birth would be timely and said that if labor hadn't begun within the week he would schedule a Caesarean. I called the Christian Science practitioner who had been praying with me during the pregnancy. She reminded me that there is no alternative to good, because God is good and God is All.

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