has been involved with healing for some time. Although his method could be thought of as Pentecostal, Bishop Thompson himself prefers to stay away from "isms." In his own words, "I am a Christian, plain and simple." Here are some of his thoughts on healing and faith.
In 1964, when I was just about to turn eighteen, I attended a church in Philadelphia, where I heard a gospel message about the love of God. At that time there were some areas in my life that were out of control. This was a youth service, and a young person made the call for us to come forward to the altar. So I went up and prayed, and asked the Lord to forgive me for all my sins and to come into my life. My life was changed—I became a Christian.
At first, of course, my transformation was dramatically spiritual. But salvation is not just a spiritual thing—it affects us physically as well. Salvation isn't just in the sweet by and by, but in the now and now!