A FRIEND OF MINE was given some daffodil bulbs in a bowl with gravel and a bit of water. She didn't know how to take care of these bulbs so she put the bowl on the windowsill, thinking that they needed sun. After some days, the bulbs didn't seem to be developing very well. A visiting friend who had a "green thumb," told her that the plants wouldn't bloom unless they had a solid root system. The friend advised her to put the bulbs into a dark storage cupboard, until strong roots developed. Only after that should they go back on the windowsill.
Prayer roots our thoughts in divine Love.
My friend followed her instructions, and found to her great amazement, that a thick, solid network of roots developed. In due course, the flowers also appeared. Then she had an insight that took her beyond daffodil roots. She recalled that people talk about roots in terms of where they grew up and in other ways. She extended this idea to her spiritual life. She realized that having a solid network of spiritual roots can be quite helpful when one is dealing with other issues in one's life. These spiritual roots give depth and meaning to one's existence. They ground each individual spiritually, and help one prove one's inseparability from God. At first, the roots might be thin, but as they become thicker and stronger, the support they give would enable one's life to "flower" in progress and peace.