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Testimonies of Healing

Knee injury healed through prayer

From the May 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When our family vacation plans didn't work out, my wife suggested that I use the money we'd set aside for the trip to attend a baseball camp for adults. I'd been to the camp before and had had a lot of fun. So I made arrangements to go again.

However, a few weeks before the camp started, I hurt my knee in a softball game. Instead of playing left field as usual, I'd agreed to fill in for the shortstop at the last minute. I was feeling very proud of my ability to slip into any position and do a good job. I was also pretty impressed with my speed, which has been my greatest strength as a ballplayer.

During the first inning, I decided to run as fast as possible to catch a pop fly to shallow left field, even though it was outside my territory as shortstop. At the last moment, I had to change direction to keep from colliding with the substitute left fielder, whom I should have allowed to catch the ball in the first place. As I turned to get out of his way, I twisted my leg and felt a tearing sensation in my knee. I collapsed in pain.

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