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Following the example set by the question-and-answer columns in the early Journals, when Mary Baker Eddy was Editor, this column will respond to general queries from Journal readers—such as the one above—with responses from Journal readers. It will generally not cover questions about how to interpret statements in Mrs. Eddy's writings. There's more information at the end of the column about how to submit questions.

Q If God is all-powerful and causes only good, how can He allow powerful storms to cause devastation and even death?

From the January 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A 1

Your premise that God is all-powerful and causes only good is also my understanding. The Biblical prophet Elijah also realized God was not in wind, earthquakes, or fire (I Kings, chap. 19). I believe that people can either look at disasters as God-ordained or try to see evidences of God's protection from such disasters.

For example, when the powerful Northridge, California, earthquake of 1994 literally tossed me out of bed, I could have been impressed by its magnitude. But as a former architect, I knew that such disasters often lead to enhanced building codes that enable structures to better withstand future threats. In one building I designed, we made use of maps based on years of flood data that helped to protect the building, ensuring everyone's safety during major flooding.

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