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The right woman for the job

From the February 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

She was caught in a quarrel between two men. Her well-to-do husband had refused to share his provisions with a soon-to-be king, a man who at that time was desperate to feed his troops. So, feeling the sting of this slap in the face, the future monarch vowed to kill the husband and all his kinsmen.

Abigail would have to think fast if she was going to thwart David's plans, although she had to admit that it was her husband, Nabal, who was to blame. Maybe because she'd witnessed the unrestrained emotion that had gotten the two men into this mess in the first place, she chose a different path, one that she hoped would lead to a nonviolent resolution. By taking a more spiritual approach, she would succeed in bringing a peaceful solution to a seemingly hopeless situation.

Right from the start, Abigail exhibited all the qualities necessary to end the conflict. She acted with boldness, for example, when, unbeknown to Nabal, she packed a large quantity of food and set off to find David. When she reached him, she pleaded with David to change his mind—an act of courage that probably not many of her contemporaries would even have thought of.

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