The Gospel of Jesus
By Garrison Keillor
2003 $39.95
HE LOVES TO TELL THE STORY. His familiar strains, most often gracing the airwaves in a fresh balance of comedic spontaneity and witty flair, also know a more reverential tone: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1).
Listeners who tune in to Garrison Keillor's decades-spanning weekly program, A Prairie Home Companion, will now be able to hear the radio icon (recently turned movie star) make somewhat of a departure from reading, say, sketches of his private-eye spoof, "Guy Noir," or the timeless "News from Lake Wobegon." In the recently released seven-hour, six-CD compilation The Gospel of Jesus, Keillor narrates, in his low, rich tone—from humble beginning to triumphant end—the story of Jesus.