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From the November 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The flyleaf of well-worn Science and Health reads like a world history lesson. Some sample entries give a scope of when he paused for a spiritual truth during his many travels: "June 1987, The Kremlin" ... "January 1988, Kabul, Afghanistan" ... "Berlin, February 1994" ... "Iraqi desert, March, 2003 ..."

Over a long career in journalism, Rodgers first served as a correspondent and Moscow Bureau Chief on ABC's World News Tonight. He went on to hold posts as senior international correspondent for CNN, serving as bureau chief in Berlin, Jerusalem, and most recently, London. Along the way, his beat has included combat zones in Sarajevo, Beirut, the West Bank, Lebanon, Armenia, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

But maybe the adventure Rodgers remembers most was waking up in his dorm room on the first day of college. "I thought, Hey, my mother isn't here. I don't have to go to Sunday School anymore!" His freshman freedom lasted only moments, though. "I realized my true freedom was sticking with the laws of divine Love that had pretty much sustained me all my life." He jumped out of bed, his feet hit the ground, and that morning he found himself at a Christian Science branch church in Illinois.

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