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Testimonies of Healing


From the November 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I AWAKENED one Sunday morning with all the symptoms of a heavy head cold. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed, let alone get dressed for church. However, since taking up the study of Christian Science some years ago, I have made it a priority to faithfully participate in all the activities offered by the Church of Christ, Scientist. I find attending services at my branch church a strengthening and uplifting force in my life. More than that, taking my part in church provides a mirror to check whether or not I am expressing what I am learning from my study of the Bible and Science and Health. Science and Health highlights Christ Jesus' teachings, including how to treat our neighbor, the importance of overcoming the temptation to judge another, and to truly love others as we love ourselves.

So I didn't deliberate too much on whether or not I would go to church. I just got up, stuffed my purse with tissues, and headed for the car. As I was backing out of the garage. I pressed the remote to close the garage door. At the same time, I noticed the Sunday paper on the ground. I thought I could quickly slide the paper into the garage as the door was coming down. But as I rushed to get out of the car, I banged the side of my face so hard against the car door window that I actually saw stars. Frankly it was such a strong blow, I almost passed out.

Even with a throbbing head, I knew I needed to turn my thought immediately to the power and presence of God. It wasn't easy. To be honest, I really wanted to drive my car right back into the garage and go back to bed.

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