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Letters & Conversations


From the March 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

January's "Cross and Crown" Journal wowed me. The multi– facted ideas shared by every letter writer, testifier, Q&A responder, and article writer sparkled like precious gems! (Then again, every issue shines!)

After I e–mailed a friend, giving my "take" on the entire issue, page by page, I realized that detailing its treasures amounted to nothing but words. Could I prove its worth witnessing an actual healing effect— the true measure of transformed thought?

The morning after I clothed myself mentally in the magazine, a sweet e–mail awaited me. It was from a relative I thought I'd never hear from again, due to a minor confrontation we'd had a few years ago. Though I had left a condolence voicemail and sent a card upon the passing of his mom a few weeks before, he hadn't responded. A day before reading the Journal, I felt the rift was beyond repair. I even told another family member that I was through worrying about the impasse. But the Journal's impact went beyond my simply releasing my relative. Its messages enabled me to wrap him in love. He felt it.

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