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A single mom relies on God's guidance to raise her daughter.

From the March 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN MY YOUTH, my parents had many financial ups and downs. I remember clearly the mental atmosphere in our home during the difficult times. My mother would often get depressed and become physically ill. As a result, I very much wanted to know how to deal with financial pressures and to find a reliable source of supply in good times and bad.

After I married and became pregnant with my daughter, I learned about Christian Science through a healing that my mother had of various medically diagnosed problems, including phlebitis, two slipped discs, thyroid trouble, and vision problems. Gradually, as I studied this Science, I began to understand that my source of health, happiness, and supply is God—an infinite source I can depend on. This realization was very helpful to me in the coming years.

I had to learn to depend completely on God as my provider.

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