AFTER SEVERAL YEARS of participating in one 10K (6.2 miles) run per year, I decided to try running a marathon (26.2 miles).
A trip to the Internet provided me with a schedule of the physical training that would be required—how long to approximately how many miles to run each week. Three days of running per week seemed adequate for one year of training, with a gradual increase in miles over the last six months prior to the race.
A trip to the bookstore introduced me to many facets of marathon training. However, as I examined many training plans, it became apparent that they were all focusing on physical conditions—what to eat and drink, how to prevent injury and illness, etc. I wanted my participation in this event to be based on a more spiritual outlook. I wanted to use this activity to gain a better understanding of my identity as being spiritual instead of physical. So I chose the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as my training manuals.