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From the March 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FOR SOME COMPOSERS, CHOREOGRAPHERS, and painters, a composition can be launched by the sparest of ideas—a phrase of a few tones, a rhythm of lines on a city street, or a surprising color combination in a wildflower. Some artists acknowledge that they're simply taking dictation from an all-creative divine intelligence. From God, the all-harmony-producing Mind. To , the divinely creative process—letting a God-given idea open the way to an expression of wholeness—is basic to her work as a professional prayer-based healer. "You can take one sentence out of the Scriptures or Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Marian explains, "and find so much there. It's so rich with meaning that leads you to a higher ground in your spiritual education."

A practitioner and teacher of the art and science of Christ-healing for many years, Marian was a jazz pianist before beginning her healing practice. "When you're playing jazz," she says, "you're playing your own individual harmony, which you hear in your heart. You're still following the beat, but you express your individuality. And Christian Science emphasizes the individuality of man. Individuality isn't absorbed as we grow in understanding—we don't become religious zombies. We're continually expressing our individuality from the keynote: 'Be not afraid' (see Science and Health, p. 410). Don't be afraid of who God made you to be, and that's got infinite variety."

There's nothing like a moment of spiritual discovery to keep you fresh and growing, says Marian, but she also carves out time to play the piano and travel for refreshment. Soon to complete a one-year term as President of The Mother Church, her home base is in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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