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From the April 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"THERE'S SO MUCH OUT THERE to be anxious about," said my early-morning caller. "Every time you turn on the TV there's news of disease. It keeps me awake at night." These comments echo an essay in The New York Times (Jan. 2, 2007) titled "What's Making Us Sick Is an Epidemic of Diagnoses." In it, the authors, Drs. Welch, Schwartz, and Woloshin, assert that constantly looking for and diagnosing sickness actually threatens health.

In a world bombarded by advertisements promoting disease and medicine, people are now less confident about staying well. Some are finding their reliance on metaphysical healing being challenged. Others are searching for a reliable curative system. Both groups want to be well and receive healing when it's needed.

I know how they feel. That's why over four decades ago, I chose to practice and rely solely on Christian Science Mind-healing for maintaining my well-being. It's been my only form of treatment, and it still is. I haven't been disappointed with my choice. I've had many healings of my own and I've helped numerous other people regain good health by employing the method and rules of scientific mental healing set out in Science and Health.

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