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Letters & Conversations


From the April 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I just want to say that I am finding the February Journal absolutely fantastic! The day after its arrival, I had read it almost from cover to cover. I just couldn't put it down, and I shall go back to it again and again. I love Ron Ballard's contribution ["The Language of Spirit: Earth," p. 48]. It is particularly dear to my heart that our wonderful, majestic planet Earth is included in our prayers as a spiritual idea, undamageable. The fact that we are not fixing anything, but bringing into view what really is, comes through very clearly in this Journal!

Reading Allison W. Phinney's interview with jeffrey Hildner, "Powered by Love" [February, p. 14], felt like a day of Christian Science class instruction again! All of Mr. Phinney's answers, and many of Mr. Hildner's questions, were powerful statements of divine Truth. Mr. Phinney's responses were given with such clarity and simplicity. I found his statement very helpful that just as a pianist needs "more music" in himself/herself, even so, for one "to experience more of God's goodness, you have to recognize more of the qualities of Beatitudes Beatitudes ..." in yourself, "more purity of heart, more meekness, more mercy." I'm glad, too, that he brought out how Mrs. Eddy knew that the belief in human personalities is a hindrance to individual progress. I loved Mr. Phinney's statement that the facade of human personality "dissolves in the light of divine Love." It's identical with Mrs. Eddy's realization in Science and Health that "Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals" [pp. 476-477] and Mr. Hildner's pointing out that instead of each of us being the receiver of God's goodness, "we actually are the expression of that goodness. We actually are the starlight. We are the very expression of creativity, resourcefulness, intelligence, kindness, generosity." This was such an inspired and uplifting thought. Many thanks to both gentlemen!

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