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From the April 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I WAS A BIT SURPRISED. The Congressman answered my phone call right away. We had talked before in my role of representing the Church to the Federal government, but had never spoken to him without setting up an appointment. I needed his help on a legislative issue, but it seemed right to first ask him how he was doing. The media had reported that he had been suffering with a serious back problem. With great excitement in his voice he said, "Phil, prayer does work! I didn't have go through surgery or any medical treatment. I'm just fine now!"

He was not a Christian Scientist, but he was receptive to prayer and spiritual issues. Over the years I saw his receptivity grow. And now he was sharing a healing. That meant a lot to me then, and it still does today.

We did speak later about the legislative issue. To be honest, I can't even remember today what we talked about. But I sure remember his healing! And isn't that the way it should be?

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