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From the September 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ON MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, Mother Church members from all over the globe gathered in Boston for Annual Meeting 2007. Hugs and happy faces abounded as friends joyously greeted friends—way outshining the drizzle-to-rain-drenched day. One woman described the gathering as a wonderful reunion of hearts—hearts overflowing with Christly love for God and for all our sisters and brothers worldwide.

Warmly welcoming the large audience present in Boston, as well as the thousands connected to the meeting via the World Wide Web, Mark Swinney, incoming President of The Mother Church, said that no matter where participants gathered all over the planet, "We're all united, connected as a big church family—a family of healers."

Mark then read brief selections from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and Mary Baker Eddy's writings, followed by the congregation joining in singing Hymn 96. Next came the introduction of the officers of The Mother Church for the coming year:

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