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Testimonies of Healing


From the September 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Living In A Country of bicycle enthusiasts, I've come to appreciate riding a bike not only as a mode of transportation but as an enjoyable way to see nature's beauty. I've found this a wonderful time to commune with God, too. My husband and I often spend a day biking through the forests and countryside and especially along the river banks of the Rhineland area where we live in Germany.

Biking through the forest one day, my husband and I came upon a narrow trail surrounded by an overgrowth of weeds that suddenly became partially blocked. My husband quickly stopped. I swerved to avoid colliding with him, I took a direct hit into a hidden log. I bounced off the log and my bike, landing on my side in the nettle bushes.

I immediately stood up and said out loud, "Accidents are unknown to God ..." and "Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements." These well-known words of Mary Baker Eddy's found in her book Science and Health (pp. 424 and 475), filled those first few moments with peace and confidence and shut out fear and worry.

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